Apa itu Lisozim?

- 2021-05-28-

Lisozim, juga dikenal sebagai muramidase, adalah enzim alami yang ditemukan dalam sekresi tubuh seperti air mata, air liur, dan susu. Sementara itu satu-satunya zat cairan tubuh ini yang memiliki bahan antiseptik aktif. Milik garis pertama pertahanan alami tubuh,lisozimmemainkan peran pasukan perintis dan pengintai dalam pertahanan organisme di luar proses invasi.
Lisozim as a kind of non-specific immune factor existing in the human body normal fluids and tissues, has many pharmacological effects, it has antibacterial, antiviral, anti tumor effect, the current medical lisozim, its indications for bleeding, blood in urine, blood in phlegm, rhinitis, etc.

Lisozim has the function of destroying bacteria cell wall structure, used for treatment G + bacteria to get protoplast, therefore, lisozim is an essential tool enzyme in of cell fusion operation in genetic engineering, cell engineering.
